🧪 We're Up On $ARKM

Plus: What's moving markets

Good Morning!

From Alphabet and Microsoft shaking up the earnings scene to a massive $1.3 billion shuffle in the crypto realm, we've got your market temperature check right here.

We're not just watching the game; we're playing it to win. Our latest play on $ARKM netted a cool 40% profit, and we're still in it to win it with half our chips on the table. Upcoming events like the Hong Kong ETF launch and the Federal Reserve meeting are on our radar, and we're strategically positioned to ride out the waves or catch the next big surge.

Keep reading for the tactical breakdown on how i’m managing risks and seizing opportunities in this ever-evolving market landscape.

Let’s get into it 👇

🌡 Market Temperature Check

👾 Crypto Catalyst

40% Up On $ARKM 🔥

The Play

On the 15th of April, we went in strong with a $10,000 position at an entry price of $1.53 in the crypto $ARKM.

We decided to bank some wins by closing 50% of our position on the 24th, netting a solid 40% profit. This move not only secured our initial investment but also added a nice chunk of profits to our kitty.

Despite taking some off the table, we're still riding the wave with the remaining 50% of our position. This keeps us well-positioned to capitalize on any additional upsides, balancing our exposure to potential market volatility.

40% Banked!

The Catalyst

This adjustment in our $ARKM position aligns closely with two significant upcoming events that are expected to cause market fluctuations:

  1. Hong Kong ETF Launch: Scheduled in a few days, this event is anticipated to potentially boost market sentiment and demand for $ARKM, driving prices up.

  2. Federal Reserve Meeting: Occurring the day after the ETF launch, this meeting poses a risk of bearish outcomes depending on the Fed's stance, which could affect market dynamics drastically.

These events represent pivotal moments that could either propel the market to new heights or lead to significant corrections.

Our Take

Why stay in the game with half the chips? Here's why:

  • Risk Management: By securing our initial investment plus profits, we've cushioned ourselves against any potential downturns. This is classic risk management in action—securing gains while keeping a stake in the game for more upsides.

  • Market Opportunities: With the ETF launch, we're positioned to benefit from any positive market reactions. On the other hand, if the Fed's decisions rattle the markets, our exposure is halved, reducing our potential losses.

  • Strategic Flexibility: This approach allows us to react more agilely to market changes post-events. We can decide to increase our position again if the market reacts favorably or pull out more if things turn south.

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  • Original Position: Initiated on April 15, 2024, with $10,000 invested at $1.53 per $ARKM.

  • Profit Taking: On April 25, 2024, closed 50% of the position for a 40% profit, securing the initial investment plus additional gains.

  • Current Strategy: Retaining 50% of the position to benefit from potential future market upswings while minimizing risk.

  • Upcoming Events: Eyeing the Hong Kong ETF launch and the subsequent Federal Reserve meeting, both of which could significantly impact market conditions.

  • Risk Management: Adopted a cautious approach by locking in profits early, ensuring financial safety regardless of market direction.

Stay ahead, stay informed, and most importantly, stay profitable.

‘til next time,
